Meet Wawa Gatheru
Get inspired by the founder of Black Girl Environmentalist and first recipient of the Coachtopia Catalyst Fund.
Get inspired by the founder of Black Girl Environmentalist and first recipient of the Coachtopia Catalyst Fund.
Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru is a storyteller and climate change activist. A first-generation American of Kenyan descent, Wawa’s curiosity about the environment stemmed from early experiences farming with her mother and grandmother. Her interest piqued in high school when, through her classes, she discovered the strong connection between climate issues and social justice. Deeply inspired, Wawa switched gears from “learner” to “activist.” She founded Black Girl Environmentalist, a non-profit organization, in 2021.
Our donation will help launch their Hazel M. Johnson Fellowship Program, giving Black female and non-binary college students the opportunity of a summer internship at leading environmental institutions.
Dans le cadre de notre partenariat avec 1% for the Planet, nous faisons don de 1 % de nos revenus pour financer et accélérer le travail visionnaire des leaders émergents de la génération Z en matière de climat dans notre communauté.
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