Our programs help to
remove barriers for the next
generation of young people
to achieve their dreams.

We have custom Dream It Real grant programs that support young people around
the world in discovering their paths and purpose and inspire the confidence to be
their most authentic selves.


Dream It Real

In 2018 we launched the Coach Foundation’s signature initiative, Dream It Real,
with a goal to provide 5,000 scholarships to young people around the world by 2025.
Exceeding our original goal two years early, we’ve funded 5,279 scholarships to date
as well as provided key resources to over 170,000 young people to help them reach
their highest potential—dream by dream.


Coach Dream It Real Closets

Coach provides free outfitting to students in our Dream It Real network.
In partnership with Thurgood Marshall College Fund, we work with career centers
at Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the U.S. to help provide
professional attire for students as they prepare for their career journeys.


Coach Cares Volunteering