For quicker service we'll redirect you to shop the website closest to your shipping destination. Items in your bag will not carry over since our assortments vary by region.
We want every Coach product to get to its owner in pristine condition, but we also know that packaging can be wasteful. By increasing our use of recycled and recyclable materials in our boxes, bags and in-store signage, we’re working to create a more circular ecosystem, down to the finest details.
Starting in 2021, we committed to transitioning new customer packaging to at least 75% recycled content.* (Prior to this change, the majority of our packaging was at least 55% recycled content.) This will be a rolling change as we use up existing supplies by market and includes shopping bags, gift boxes, dust bags, eCommerce shipment boxes, plastic bags and mailers. In addition, all the materials we use for packaging are recyclable.
*At this time, excluding extra-large shipping boxes due to structural durability considerations.
Store fixtures and props
In our stores, we are increasingly using more sustainable materials and production finishes, e.g., plant or water-based paints and recycled plastics, and reusing, recycling or donating fixtures and props. Currently, we are focused on recycling unused fixtures. For example, in our fiscal year 2021, we recycled 585 tons of materials in the spirit of creative reuse.
Signage and in-store collateral
We’ve committed to all our paper displays and signage in stores to be made from 75% recycled, 100% recyclable materials globally in a rolling change starting in 2022.